Scholarships & Grants
Scholarship available for students from age 3 through grade 12 or age 22, whichever comes first, who have a specific diagnosis and do not attend public school. Allocated funding can be used to access therapies, tutoring and support for other needs and programs through the Unique Abilities Scholarship.
A grant to support paying a child’s medical services and equipment such as PT, OT, and ST, counseling services, surgeries, prescriptions, wheelchairs, orthotics, eyeglasses, and hearing aids, etc. Must be 16 years or younger, be covered by a commercial insurance plan, and not exceed specified income based on 1040 Tax Form.
Grant opportunities for a variety of diseases/disabilities. There is a pediatric assistance grant to support prescription drugs, therapies, devices, and transportation related to eligible diseases/disabilities. Must have insurance and income that falls within guidelines. Currently closed to grants at this time.
A grant to cover a wide variety of clinical, equipment, travel and lodging, and vehicle modification costs related to children’s healthcare needs. Must be 18 years or younger, the request clinically relevant to child’s healthcare needs, and the child be under the care of a physician
A grant program that assists with accessing therapies, reducing medical expenses, providing medical and adaptive equipment. See request form all the way at the bottom of the link page.
A grant for children and young adults with speech disorders to ensure they receive the speech therapy and technology equipment they need to communicate. Must be 21 years or younger, income level below designated level, and have an ASHA certified SLP.
Dreams Come True helps children battling life-threatening medical conditions in the Northeast Florida area achieve their dream trip, vacation, celebrity meeting, or specific gift. Must live in Northeast Florida, be between the ages of 2½ and 18, diagnosed with life-threatening medical condition, referred by physician, medically approved to participate, and not previously received a dream/wish from another organization.
Florida Make-A-Wish inspires to grant life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Must be diagnosed with a critical illness, be between the ages of 2½ and 18, and not previously received a dream/wish from another organization.
PK in Florida is voluntary; hence it’s known as VPK. Available for children 4 years old on or before September 1st of the applying school year. The VPK SIS program is an alternative to in-school PK for those with a disability and an IEP. Families can choose to receive services through their chosen providers paid for by the VPK SIS program. Applications are done through each counties Early Learning Coalition.